Tuesday, May 27, 2014

~New Video~ 5 Week Post-Op

I had my 5 week post-op appointment today and it went very well. She said I am doing very well and she was very pleased with my food/liquid journals, my weight loss and my overall progress. She is so nice and before I knew it, an hour had passed by. I have some different vitamins I am going to go buy and I am so happy that I get to take my meds "normally" now without having to crush, open, etc... them. YAY!! That'll cut down on so much time, especially in the morning! I am off all restrictions and can eat whatever (wisely), meet with a personal trainer, drink more frequently than every 15 mins, etc...
I am really excited to be in this phase! I meet with her again in July for my 3 month check. 

HERE is the link to my latest video!

Below are pictures from today (5 weeks out).

Highest Weight = 321lb
Start Weight = 302lb
Surgery Weight = 292lb
Current Weight = 252lb
Loss for the week = 5lb
Total loss = 50lb (INSANITY!!)

>>Less of Josh<<

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